Sunday, November 11, 2007


A couple nights ago I saw Barack Obama on Leno. I don't know if it was re-run (probably was, due to the writer's strike) but regardless it was the first time I'd seen the guy live on TV. It was interesting and somewhat refreshing to see what appeared to be a genuine desire to do good in the world - the desire of someone that hasn't been in the game of politics as long as many other veterans. I don't think that Obama is nearly as knowledgeable as the other candidates, and his lack of experience is a major complaint I often read about and probably his biggest foe in getting the Dem's nomination, but I'm starting to wonder if that lack of experience would actually be a bad thing. It's too early to make any judgements yet, but with our current state of the union it seems like we need a leader that's willing to trump their own party's politics in the face of doing what's right. Looking into my political crystal ball, such is the reason why I think that Guiliani has a fair chance at making a run this year. He's the Democrat's Republican, if you will. And it's my personal opinion that the only way the Democrats will not win the next election is if Hillary is their candidate.


Monika and I dog-sat for friends this past week. Miles and their dog, Caedmon, are best friends. They playplayplayplay then crash. And apparently, one minor detail I forgot from dog-sitting Caedmon in the past is that he wakes up at 6:30 a.m. on the dot, which I'm guessing is a byproduct of being used to when his parents wake up. With the recent time change, that means 5:30. The net result is that I'm massively tired and am going to sleep like a rock tonight.


When did movies get so freaking expensive? I pay something on the order of $10/month for Netflix. I get one movie, watch it, put it in the mail, and get another one a couple days later. The movies are unlimited insofar as watching and waiting for the mail cycle to complete, one at a time. I think for $20 we could have many more at one time.

Today Monika and I went to Bee Movie (more on that in a second), and tickets were $7.50 each for a matinee showing. $7.50. EACH! The night showings were $9.50 per ticket! I don't go to the movies as much as I used to, but man, prices seem to increase every time I go! Ultimately this means I'll be watching more movies at home and only heading to the theater for those I just have to see on opening day.

Bee Movie - most of the CGI flicks are pretty solid and this was no exception. I'll say that whereas many of its contemporaries (like Shrek) maintain a generally above-average level of amusement throughout the film, BM (hehe) was a little dull in some places, and absolutely hilarious in others, funny enough to make me completely forget about other parts. If you're familiar with Ray Liotta's movies, you'll find it even funnier.


Blogger Christopher J. Bottaro said...

I fall into that category of jaded person who has a conspiracy theorist's distrust of all politicians.

I don't think it's beyond [i]any[/i] politician to "seem" or "appear to be" any way.

See my hero good ole Bill. He could tell me anything and I would want to believe him... :)

11:33 PM  
Blogger Badger said...

That's because Clinton is such as ace at deception. :)

9:15 PM  

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