Tuesday, October 16, 2007


A couple months ago I was playing golf with a few coworkers when a redneck-filled truck drove by hurling insults at us such as "GOLF IS FOR ." I find such comments interesting, since I generally think that only people with money and time on their hands can play golf.

I just got back from running with my dog, where a group of gothed-out-teenage-degenerates (ironic since I'd probably fit this description back in the day, but I digress...) who drove by me at one point decided to tell me I was gay (I think) for not wearing a shirt while running. Funny, I thought going shirtless while working out was common practice.

It's interesting, I also thought that should someone decide to hurl an insult at anyone, they'd at least be man enough to do it in person, as opposed to out of the window of a fast-moving car. It's a shame that the world is littered with so many cowardly pieces of shit these days.


Blogger Christopher J. Bottaro said...

While I definitely think what those pricks did was cowardly and immature, I find using money to justify the worthiness of an activity to be a bit weird.

Screw those people though. Most anyone with a decent sense of intelligence knows that insults like that are made out of jealousy.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Badger said...

"I find using money to justify the worthiness of an activity to be a bit weird."

Agreed - maybe I wasn't clear - I wasn't saying that because it's expensive golf is justifiably "good," but rather due to the nature of the fact that playing the game is a privilege of sorts is certainly enough to make shouting insults about it somewhat comical. This is an extreme analogy, but it's like seeing someone wearing a Rolex and saying "YOUR ROLEX SUCKS!"

10:02 PM  

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