Flax Seed Oil Can Do What?!?!?
More Steroid Fun!
So Marion Jones has now admitted to steroid use. The part that annoys me is this:
"The triple gold medalist in Sydney said she took "the clear" for two years, beginning in 1999, and that she got it from former coach Trevor Graham, who told her it was flaxseed oil, the newspaper reported."
I just don't understand the rationale for bringing up such nonsense. Is the idea that as long as your coach tells you you're taking "magic fairy dust," it doesn't matter that you're getting ripped and huge? Does the fact that Barry Bonds has actually convinced himself that "the clear" is "mystery-super-gel" change the fact that he juiced his head to expand to three or four times its normal size?
It's a total cop-out to confess to something with caveats. "Yes, I took steroids, but hey, I didn't know I was taking them at the time." Bullshit!
I hope sometime in his lifetime we get the full story from Floyd Landis. The difference between him and the other athletes is that he has fought the accusations against him the hardest, and with the most earnestness. He's been found guilty and stripped of his Tour de France title. Yet he still maintains his innocence, which is interesting given that he's already lost everything. Bonds has an incentive to skirt the issue forever because he's already enshrined with the '*' that will live forever. But Landis' case is interesting indeed. I hope someday we get to hear what happened.
So Marion Jones has now admitted to steroid use. The part that annoys me is this:
"The triple gold medalist in Sydney said she took "the clear" for two years, beginning in 1999, and that she got it from former coach Trevor Graham, who told her it was flaxseed oil, the newspaper reported."
I just don't understand the rationale for bringing up such nonsense. Is the idea that as long as your coach tells you you're taking "magic fairy dust," it doesn't matter that you're getting ripped and huge? Does the fact that Barry Bonds has actually convinced himself that "the clear" is "mystery-super-gel" change the fact that he juiced his head to expand to three or four times its normal size?
It's a total cop-out to confess to something with caveats. "Yes, I took steroids, but hey, I didn't know I was taking them at the time." Bullshit!
I hope sometime in his lifetime we get the full story from Floyd Landis. The difference between him and the other athletes is that he has fought the accusations against him the hardest, and with the most earnestness. He's been found guilty and stripped of his Tour de France title. Yet he still maintains his innocence, which is interesting given that he's already lost everything. Bonds has an incentive to skirt the issue forever because he's already enshrined with the '*' that will live forever. But Landis' case is interesting indeed. I hope someday we get to hear what happened.
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